Friday Afternoon Pairs (January 1-December 31, 2009)

Note: You can resort the table by clicking on one of the headings

# player 1
player 2
H.cap G Rank % av.pts
% pts
h.score rating wins
Win %
G<50% G>60% +/-
$/pt player 2
player 1
1 Dan Mathieson Nelson Sunshine 0.81 7 2.10 57.90 1.33 09.3 72.87 0.876 0.709 6230 4 57.1 14 43 29 4.71 Nelson Sunshine Dan Mathieson 1
2 Art D'Entremont Gil Lafreniere 0.76 7 1.60 61.49 1.48 10.4 85.71 0.923 0.699 8770 5 71.4 00 57 57 4.05 Gil Lafreniere Art D'Entremont 2
3 Gil Lafreniere William Walker 0.76 24 2.70 57.95 0.90 21.6 61.46 0.824 0.624 3651 10 41.7 21 42 21 6.85 William Walker Gil Lafreniere 3
4 Art D'Entremont Sherril Brooks 0.72 14 3.00 57.53 0.89 12.4 61.00 0.803 0.582 6430 7 50.0 14 29 14 6.94 Sherril Brooks Art D'Entremont 4
5 Ilsa Krukoff June Lind 0.74 10 3.60 54.73 0.88 08.8 45.79 0.755 0.565 2690 2 20.0 10 10 0 6.96 June Lind Ilsa Krukoff 5

Legend for the table headings above

H.cap (Handicap) - The average difficulty rating for all the games played by the player/pair. The higher the number the harder the game.
G (Games) - The total number of games played by the player/pair.
Rank - The average finish in an average game based on % score (first place = 1.00, 2nd place = 2.00…)
% - The average percent score for all the games played.
AV.Pts (Average Points) - The average number of master points earned in each game.
T.Pts (Total Points) - The total number of master points earned by the player/pair.
% PTS (Percentage Points) - The average percentage of the available master points won by the player/pair.
SCORE - The average score earned. Score is an approximate measure of how many pairs you beat during any one game.
H.SCORE - (Score) x (H.cap) The average handicapped score.
RATING - The approximate total masterpoint holding of the player/pair.
WINS - The total number of first place finishes the player/pair had.
WIN % - The odds of the player/pair finishing in first place in an average game.
G<50% - The odds of the player/pair finishing with a percentage score less than 50% in an average game.
G>60% - The odds of the player/pair finishing with a percentage score greater than 60% in an average game.
+/- - Your G<50% minus your G>60%.
$/PT (Dollars per master point) - What was the average cost of each masterpoint earned by the player/pair?

Note:  All Individual categories required a minimum of 10 qualifying games while all Pairs categories required a minimum of 7 qualifying games.